July 18, 1738

1738 July 18 (Tuesday).  I rode to Mr. Ephraim Allen’s[1] and to Mr. Daniel Bartletts.  A plentifull and very Mercifull Rain while I was at Mr. Bartletts,[2] which detain’d me there (I suppose) Several Hours.  When it Slack’d I got as far as Mr. Eliazar Hows[3] at Marlborough where I was kept till almost night.  My Business from thence carry’d me to Mr. Peter Butlers.[4]  At Colonel Woods in the Eve, Colonel Sent for Mr. John Rogers[5] and Sir Loring, who came accordingly.  I lodg’d there.

[1]Of Westborough.

[2]Ensign Bartlett lived in Marlborough.

[3]Captain Eleazer Howe.

[4]Of Marlborough.

[5](Harvard 1732). Later the first minister of Leominster.  Sibley, IX, 189-198.