July 12, 1738

1738 July 12 (Wednesday).  Old Mr. Lord[1] of the Cape was here upon a journey upward.  Mr. Rand[2] of Sunderland and Mr. Billings[3] here and din’d with us.

[1]Reverend Joseph Lord (Harvard 1691), minister of Chatham, Mass., 1718-1748.  He was also a schoolmaster and physician.  Sibley, V, 101-106.

[2]Reverend William Rand (Harvard 1721), minister of Sunderland, Mass., 1723-1745, and Kingston, Mass., 1746-1779.  Sibley, VI, 549-553.

[3]Edward Billing (Harvard 1731) of Sunderland, who later became the first minister of Belchertown, Mass., 1739-1752.  Sibley, IX, 22-28.