1737 October 18 (Tuesday). Visited Capt. Byles who is grown exceeding bad again. Visited the wife of William Rogers Jr. and proceeded to Mr. Brigham’s to see their Desolations. A Sorrowful Sight! I desire heartily to sympathize. Returned to Capt. Byles.[1] He dyed this evening. N.B. Mr. Jarvis went to Boston in the morning. N.B. Mr. Jonathan Forbes[2] at my house in the Evening and after him Messrs. Ed and Benj. Goddard.[3]
[1]Forbes: Capt. Joseph Byles had married Rebecca Forbush, the sister of Jonathan, Samuel and Thomas Forbush. He lived on the south side of Chauncy Pond. He was one of the “first inhabitants.”
[2]Forbes: Dea. Jonathan Forbes b. in Marlborough in 1684 – married in 1706, when he was a young man of twenty-two, a woman twice married, with a family of four children. At this time he was living near the present town reservoir. He was the first one of the family to write his name Forbes – his older brothers, Samuel and Thomas, and their descendants, being always known by the name of Forbush. The Massachusetts Gazette of March 31, 1768, says: — “His life was exemplary; his departure in the firm hope of a glorious immortality; his progeny numerous.”
Walett: Deacon Jonathan Forbush was one of the first to change the name to Forbes.
[3]Walett: The Goddards were from Shrewsbury.