September 26, 1737

1737 September 26 (Monday).  Mr. Pierpont and his wife left us.  I with my wife accompanied them to Shrewsbury.  I still continued with them as far as Worcester and dined with them at Capt. Howard’s.  P.M. having taken leave of those Excellent Friends, I rode to Mr. Burr’s,[1] not finding him at home, I hastened to the Prison to see the Criminal.  Among other Questions, I asked him his true Name?  He answered Hugh Henderson.  He acquainted me with his Birth and Baptism etc.  He was much concerned and distressed about his state, and ready to confess himself a great Sinner, etc.  I prayed with him.  He requested I would come and see him again.  I hastened to Shrewsbury and with my wife, returned in the evening.  N.B. John McClung took leave of us.

[1]Forbes: Rev. Isaac Burr was settled over the Old South Church in Worcester in 1725.  Mr. Chas. E. Stevens writes: “No portraiture of his person or mind survives; no characteristic anecdote is on record and nothing testifies of his ministry save its continuance for a fifth of a century in a generally peaceful way.”  Mr. Burr lived on the south corner of Main and Pleasant streets.  His house was afterwards moved to Blackstone Street, where it stood until a few years ago.  The little sketch of it made for Mr. Caleb Wall’s Reminiscences of Worcester, by “an accurate and experienced artist,” as he writes, is the only picture of this house in existence.

Walett: Reverend Isaac Burr of Worcester.