September 24, 1737

1737 September 24 (Saturday).  Message from John Hamilton[1] under condemnation for Burglary requesting that I would visit him.  N.B. Lydia sick and my wife[2] burthened with the Business of the Family.  N.B. Fire raging in the Bushes on the west side of Powder Hill, drie by the Drought and the Frost and the Wind very high.  Brother Hicks alone there, till I assisted him, and we succeeded.  D.G.

[1]Walett: Otherwise known as Hugh Henderson, at that time in jail in Worcester awaiting execution.

[2]Walett: On Sept. 1,1737, Hannah Breck, daughter of the late Reverend Robert Breck of Marl- borough became Ebenezer Parkman’s second wife.  Hannah was 21, some 13 years younger than Reverend Ebenezer.  She bore him 11 children and survived him nineteen years.  She died in 1801 at the age of 81.