September 21, 1737

1737 September 21 (Wednesday).  We rode to Cousen Winchester,[1] but they being gone and their neighbours also to Worcester, we struck along up to Mr. Prentice’s at Grafton.  N.B. Their son Nathaniel’s finger had been wounded, the Top of one of his Fingers being cut off.  N.B. Mrs. Sartel[2] of Groton here.  Called at Capt. Fay’s as we returned home in ev’g.

[1]Walett: Elizabeth Champney, cousin of Parkman’s first wife, was the second wife of Benjamin Winchester of Framingham.

[2]Walett: Probably a relative of Sarah Sartele (Sartell or Sawtell) who married Reverend Solomon Prentice of Grafton in 1732.