1737 April 1 (Friday). I rode down to Marlb. to the Funeral of Joseph Amsden’s.[1] Many youth present and seem to be affected. O that there might be abiding impression on their souls! and upon all of us. This is the second Death in that near Neighbourhood of youth in Flower and Glory within a very little while. N.B. This Joseph Amsden was one of the Bearers of the other, scil, the young woman that Dyed at Deacon James Wood’s on the 19th of last month. After Burial I returned to Capt. Amsden’s to afford him what consolation I could under his melancholy circumstances. N.B. Coll. Woods with me. N.B. Capt. Nathan Brigham gave further accounts of the Fury of the Mob at Boston[2] — assaulting the Town House etc. At Eve, I was at Dr. Gotts, Mrs. H___h was thought to be gone up to Mr. Week’s[3] or Capt. Williams,[4] with design to lodge there, but she returned to the Doctors. And she gave me her Company till it was very late. Her Conversation was very Friendly, and with divers expressions of Singular and Peculiar Regard. Memorandum. Oscul: But she cannot yield to being a step mother. I lodged there, and with great satisfaction and Composure.
Memorandum. Ebenezer[1] has begun to learn his 2. Accidence[2] and now makes a business of it.
[Note: There is a gap in the diary between April 1 and September 20.]
[1]Walett: Parkman’s first son, born Aug. 20, 1727.
[2]Forbes: The 2. Accidence was a small book containing the rudiments of grammar.
[1]Walett: Abraham and Thomas, as well as Captain Isaac, were sons of Isaac Amsden, an early resident of Marlborough.
[2]Forbes: From Boston News Letter for April 1, 1737: — “On Thursday Night the 24 instant, the middle Market House in this Town, together with several Butchers’ Shops near the same, were cut, pulled down and entirely demolished by a number of persons unknown: and several posts of the North Market House were also sawn asunder the same Night.”
In consequence of which Gov. Phipps issued a proclamation offering a reward of one hundred pounds for the detection of any of the ringleaders.
[3]Walett: Supply Weeks of Marlborough.
[4]Walett: Captain Abraham Williams of Marlborough married Elizabeth Breck, sister of Hannah Breck.