October 12, 1736

1736 October 12 (Tuesday).  David and Benjamin at the Stone Wall yet.  I visited Neighbour Seth Rice, whose son is much Easier and we conceive hopes of his Recovery.  School kept at Mr. Jedidiah How’s.[1]  P.M. Dr. Gott here — and just at Eve sheriff Gookin[2] and his wife — but 3 or 4 hands at Husking.

[1]When Martin, the son of Jedidiah and Abigail How, was baptized, Parkman noted that his parents “had in the late time of my illness and Absence been propounded at Marlborough and had owned the Covenant there and Submitted now to our Discipline” (WCR, 28).

[2] Daniel Gookin, a grandson son of General Daniel Gookin and son of Samuel Gookin, served as sheriff of Worcester County from its incorporation in 1731 until his death in June 1743.  Franklin Pierce Rice, Dictionary of Worcester (Massachusetts) and Its Vicinity. With Maps of the City and of Worcester County (Worcester, 1889), 78.