October 7, 1736

1736 October 7 (Thursday).  I had great Dependence upon Mr. Stone to preach my Lecture but he failed me.  I repeated Sermon on Act. 26.28.  Mr. Hemingway[1] (School Master at Southborough) here.  After Lecture we rode over to See Mr. Seth Rice’s little son,[2] who was very ill.  When we returned we rode together as far as Coll. Wards, where he lodged but I proceeded (by Moon Light, but Cold) to Marlborough to Dr. Gotts, in Expectation of Mr. Breck of Springfield and his Sister.  N.B. Dr. Mead (who had heretofore lived with Dr. Gott) here.  E’re Long Mr. Breck and Mrs. H________ Came — But it was Some time before I Saw Mrs. H________ because of the Company (Neighbours that had occasionally Stepped in) that were with her and with Mrs. Gott.  She was very weary and went to Bed early.  Mr. Breck, the Doctors and I sat up very Late.  N.B. Madam Belcher[3] dyed last night.

[1]Ebenezer Hemingway (1710-1783), Harvard 1738 (but withdrew after freshman year).  SHG, 10:296.

[2]Edmond, son of Seth and Dority Rice, b. Oct. 30, 1729 (WVR, 87).

[3]Mary Partridge, daughter of William Partridge, late Lt. Governor of New Hampshire, mar. Jonathan Belcher, Jan. 4, 1706; d. Oct. 6, 1736.  Jonathan Belcher (1682-1757), Harvard 1699, was governor of Massachusetts, 1730-1741, and governor of New Jersey, 1747-1757.  SHG, 4:434-49.