1736 October 1 (Friday). Mr. Breck and I from Worcester. Called a while at Mr. Cushings. Mr. Breck on his Journey to Boston, but I went home, somewhat after Two p.m. Clearer Weather to Day. It has been a very Melancholly long Time of Rainy Weather; In so much that the Corn is almost in Danger of Moulding in the Field. But David had watched his Opportunity for gathering the Little piece in the Lower Southside.
Month: October 1736
October 2, 1736
1736 October 2 (Saturday). [No entry.]
October 3, 1736
1736 October 3 (Sunday). Mat. 6.24 and 1 Pet. 2.11
October 4, 1736
1736 October 4 (Monday). The Town met upon the Business of my Support, and in Answer to my Memorial to them they voted 60£ Addition this Year besides the 140 which had been the usual Vote for divers of the Last Years — in all 200£ and with very observable Unanimity. God reward them here for and grant me Grace Suitably to improve the Advantage provided me hereby to the Divine Glory!
October 5, 1736
1736 October 5 (Tuesday). <Line crossed out.>
October 6, 1736
1736 October 6 (Wednesday). Benjamin Thurston came to build Stone Wall for me. He began upon the Fence upon the South West of my House, at the South Barrs.
October 7, 1736
1736 October 7 (Thursday). I had great Dependence upon Mr. Stone to preach my Lecture but he failed me. I repeated Sermon on Act. 26.28. Mr. Hemingway[1] (School Master at Southborough) here. After Lecture we rode over to See Mr. Seth Rice’s little son,[2] who was very ill. When we returned we rode together as far as Coll. Wards, where he lodged but I proceeded (by Moon Light, but Cold) to Marlborough to Dr. Gotts, in Expectation of Mr. Breck of Springfield and his Sister. N.B. Dr. Mead (who had heretofore lived with Dr. Gott) here. E’re Long Mr. Breck and Mrs. H________ Came — But it was Some time before I Saw Mrs. H________ because of the Company (Neighbours that had occasionally Stepped in) that were with her and with Mrs. Gott. She was very weary and went to Bed early. Mr. Breck, the Doctors and I sat up very Late. N.B. Madam Belcher[3] dyed last night.
[1]Ebenezer Hemingway (1710-1783), Harvard 1738 (but withdrew after freshman year). SHG, 10:296.
[2]Edmond, son of Seth and Dority Rice, b. Oct. 30, 1729 (WVR, 87).
[3]Mary Partridge, daughter of William Partridge, late Lt. Governor of New Hampshire, mar. Jonathan Belcher, Jan. 4, 1706; d. Oct. 6, 1736. Jonathan Belcher (1682-1757), Harvard 1699, was governor of Massachusetts, 1730-1741, and governor of New Jersey, 1747-1757. SHG, 4:434-49.
October 8, 1736
1736 October 8 (Friday). Broke fast and Dined at the Doctors. Mr. Breck took leave before Dinner. Coll. Woods and Dr. Meads dined with us — a <very> decent Entertainment. N.B. Mrs. H________ under almost utter Discouragement respecting my proposals to her, and Several Times about to put an entire Period to all our Conversation upon those Articles. Nevertheless I prevailed with her to let matter lye still for more Mature Consideration. I parted late p.m. Rode up to Mr. Zechary Maynards and thence Home. David about my Cyder one Day after another.
October 9, 1736
1736 October 9 (Saturday). Unaccountable Distractions and perturbations in my studys — nay, in my very Devotions — too many — by means of the Sad Suspense I am kept in about Such a weighty Article as has employed me of Late. My unpreparedness for the Communion and the Desultoriness of my mind greatly troubles me.
October 10, 1736
1736 October 10 (Sunday). Too much of Diverting amusements about Temporal Matters. Am exceedingly put to’t to keep my Self to my Spiritual and Ministerial Duty. O that God would pity, forgive and Assist me! I preached on Phil. 4.19 a. and p.m. I admitted Mary (wife of Beriah) Rice, and Patience[1] Daughter of Jonathan Forbush and Administered the Sacrament. I bless God that I have been in any Measure assisted and restrained in my Thoughts, being encompassed as I am with So many Temptations and Vain Amusements. O that God would Still be Gracious to Me, and pardon the Extream brokenness and imperfectness of my Devotions before Him!
[1]Patience, dau. of Jonathan and Hanah Forbush, b. Feb. 26, 1720 (MVR, 74).
October 11, 1736
1736 October 11 (Monday). As Early in the Morning as I could I rode to Marlborough: leaving David and Benjamin at the Stone Wall Pointing down the South Road. Conversation but short with Mrs. H________ at the Doctors, She being in preparation for her Journey, — and how amiable my Dear Amazon when Compleat in her Riding Habit! Had it not been for my work men at Home, Expectation of Mr. Tucker from Boston to mend my Pump, Expectation of Huskers at my Barn at Night, and four sick Children to visit on the North part of the Town I Should have fondly waited upon her in her Journey — But I found it impossible to break through all these. I broke fast at Coll. Woods’s when I had seen her mounted, and had Committed her (under God) to the Care of Mr. Skinner[1] (preacher Yesterday at Marlborough) who was upon his Journey also. N.B. They Sat out just at 12 o’Clock. In my riding up my Road to the North part of Westborough I was Stopped by a Messinger out of Mr. Benjamin Rice’s and requested to visit Mr. Rice’s wife[2] who lay at the point of Death. I Conversed and prayed with her. Dined there about 2 or 3 ho. p.m. and thence to Mr. Joseph Rice’s to visit Madam (who was heretofore Madam [Cornay?] of Boston) — Thence up to Mr. Thomas Warrins[3] of Westborough and further up to Mr. Lawrence’s,[4] to Mr. Balls and Mr. Wheelers and thence home. N.B. No Huskers but David and Benjamin.
[1]Thomas Skinner (1709-1762), Harvard 1732, minister of Colchester, CT, 1740-1762; SHG, 9:223-26.
[2]Mary [Graves], wife of Benjamin Rice, d. Oct. 22, 1736, in her 66th year (MVR, 386).
[3]Thomas Warrin, who lived on the north side of Westborough (Dec. 3, 1740), d. Dec. 29, 1771 (Northborough VR, 151).
[4]Benjamin and Jane Lawrence were admitted to the Westborough church, July 3, 1737, having been dismissed from Lexington; they were dismissed to the church in Bolton, Feb. 16, 1749 (WCR, 45, 84).
October 12, 1736
1736 October 12 (Tuesday). David and Benjamin at the Stone Wall yet. I visited Neighbour Seth Rice, whose son is much Easier and we conceive hopes of his Recovery. School kept at Mr. Jedidiah How’s.[1] P.M. Dr. Gott here — and just at Eve sheriff Gookin[2] and his wife — but 3 or 4 hands at Husking.
[1]When Martin, the son of Jedidiah and Abigail How, was baptized, Parkman noted that his parents “had in the late time of my illness and Absence been propounded at Marlborough and had owned the Covenant there and Submitted now to our Discipline” (WCR, 28).
[2] Daniel Gookin, a grandson son of General Daniel Gookin and son of Samuel Gookin, served as sheriff of Worcester County from its incorporation in 1731 until his death in June 1743. Franklin Pierce Rice, Dictionary of Worcester (Massachusetts) and Its Vicinity. With Maps of the City and of Worcester County (Worcester, 1889), 78.
October 13, 1736
1736 October 13 (Wednesday). I rode to Southborough to the Lecture to the Judges of the County of Worcester. Mr. Stone preached from Deut. 25.1. Mr. Prentice of Lancaster, Mr. Cushing and Mr. Burr present also. Entertainment at Coll. William Ward’s. Return’d at Eve.
October 14, 1736
1736 October 14 (Thursday). Lecture to Children and Young People on 1 K. 18.12. Young Society Sent me their Acknowledgments with £1.9.0. Ten or Eleven young persons came at Night and Husked out the Remainder of my Corn. N.B. Benjamin Thurston finished my stone wall at the upper End of my South side. 18 Rods and 1/2 which with 8 1/2 on the South west side of my house was 27 Rod which he had built for Me. And he left me to Day. David Bathericks Time out also to Day.
October 15, 1736
1736 October 15 (Friday). A Surprizing Letter from Brother Stone of Southborough of his Disgusts as to our Changing and Lectures — which gave me unspeakable Trouble.
October 16, 1736
1736 October 16 (Saturday). My uneasiness Still exceeding great by means of the mentioned Letter. It <utterly?> Disturbed my studys to the Degree that could not prepare. I sent Jonathan Maynard[1] to Mr. Cushing to request we might Change. I rode up to Shrewsbury at Evening and Mr. Cushing to Westborough.
[1]Jonathan, son of David and Hannah Maynard, b. Dec. 26, 1708 (MVR, 125).
October 17, 1736
1736 October 17 (Sunday). I preached at Shrewsbury on Job. a. and p.m. At Night Mr. Cushing came home and brought word that Ebenezer was taken Sick in the morning — was taken with vomiting and a Fever followed.
October 18, 1736
1736 October 18 (Monday). Had not been for my son Ebenezer’s Sickness Mr. Cushing and I had visited Mr. Prentice of Grafton after his Sickness. But David Batherick came up this Morning to Shrewsbury to inform that Ebenezer was grown still worse. I hastened home and found he had a Strong Fever and a Sore Throat. I Desire to Humble my Self under the mighty Hand of God as for the Sins of the Land in General that have brought Divine Judgments upon us So for my own Family’s Sins, and my own personal Offences. And God be Mercifull to us for His Name’s Sake! David Watched the fore part of the Night and I the latter part. The Child in great Confusion in his understanding and Talk.
October 19, 1736
1736 October 19 (Tuesday). We hope Ebenezer is a little better. Trooping and Training, but a rainy Day. Prayed in the Meeting House with the Companys. Dined with the Officers. Dr. Gott came up to Mr. Seth Rice’s Son, by which I had advantage for a Visit from him to Ebenezer. The Canker rose very visibly upon the inside of his Throat but not Swelled a great Deal nor very troublesome to him — <but?> his Fever not so high. Mrs. Whipple[1] kindly visited us. Sarah Ward and Deborah watched. N.B. Sent an Answer to Mr. Stone. See Oct. 15.
[1]“Francis Whipple and Abigail his Wife being dismissed from the particular Relation in which they Stood to the Third Church of Christ in Ipswich, were admitted into our Communion,” Jan. 6, 1734 (WCR, 33).
October 20, 1736
1736 October 20 (Wednesday). David Batherick went away to Mr. Rogers’s. Rainy — yet Brother Hicks, and his wife and son, John, rode to Cambridge. His son rode my Horse. Ebenezer composed and Easier, and the Fever much lower. Deborah Sat up the former part of the night and I the latter. N.B. John Tainter[1] (of Marlborough) was here in behalf of other Young Men of that Town to confer with me about my preaching to the private Society there.
[1]John, son of Josheph and Thankful Tainter, b. Nov. 1, 1716 (MVR, 178).
October 21, 1736
1736 October 21 (Thursday). We hope Ebenezer recovers. Rainy.
October 22, 1736
1736 October 22 (Friday). [Faint?] We got Ebenezer down into the dining-Room. Dr. Gott visited us as he returned from Mr. Thomlins Child, with a Gentleman of the Faculty who was born at Vienna: his Name Alexander Maximilian Thyery; Practitioner at Plainfield. Dr. Gott Shewed me Mr. James Pierponts Letter of the 21, giving the Melancholly News of the Sudden Death of Mr. Nathaniel Breck[1] (Madam Pierponts Father) who was drowned the Night before, as he was attempting to pass over the Swing Bridge in Boston. A very sorrowful accident!
[1]Nathaniel Breck d. Oct. 20, 1736. Robert J. Dunkle and Ann S. Lainhart, comps., Deaths in Boston, 1700 to 1799 (2 vols.; Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1999), 1:110.
October 23, 1736
October 24, 1736
October 25, 1736
October 26, 1736
1736 October 26 (Tuesday). I rode to Southborough in the Morning to Lieut. Nathan Brighams[1] to get him to come to rebuild a piece of my Cellar Wall and to lay a Foundation for another Stack of Chimneys at the Same time with it. Very raw Cold. Snow’d a while. I sent an Answer to a Letter I received last night from Worcester, which contained an Invitation to be present at the Ordination of Mr. William Johnson[2] there among the Presbyterians.
[1]Lt. Nathan Brigham d. Sept. 15, 1784, in his 91st y. (Southborough VR, 159)
[2]William Johnson, probably U. of Edinburgh 1704, minister of the Scotch-Irish Presbyterian in Worcester, Mass., 1725-1736. Weis, Colonial Clergy, 118.
October 27, 1736
1736 October 27 (Wednesday). The Day appointed for the Ordination of Mr. William Johnson among the Irish at Worcester. At Eve Mr. Caleb Rice of New Medfield here.
October 28, 1736
1736 October 28 (Thursday). I rode to Grafton Lecture. I preached on Joh. 14.21. N.B. Exceeding few people attended. Our 12th year finishes since the founding our Church and my Ordination. God grant a suitable Frame of Soul at the Observation hereof! N.B. Madam Prentice at Groton. N.B. Lieut. Drury[1] had been up in to Connecticut and cast Mr. Oliver Ward[2] into Windham Goal. I returned at Evening. Deborah rode up to her Mothers this afternoon.
[1]Thomas Drury of Grafton.
[2]Oliver Ward, father of Deborah and Sarah Ward, who had worked for the Parkmans.
October 29, 1736
1736 October 29 (Friday). Thomas a sore Throat. Swelled outwardly on both Sides. David is laying a Floor for the Cows. Very Cold and Raw. P.M. and Eve Snowed hard — a very Considerable Snow storm through the Night. Deborah did not Come.
October 30, 1736
1736 October 30 (Saturday). Bright day after the Storm. Thomas no better, but no Fever rises, and the swelling is most outwardly. Mr. Whitney[1] and Mr. Collar here. Deborah not Come.
[1]Nathaniel Whitney. When his daughter Mary was baptized, Oct. 15, 1727, the church records note that he had owned the covenant at Concord (WCR, 9). He and his wife Mary joined the church, Jan. 21, 1728 (WCR, 10). Whitney died Jan. 27, 1776, “within about seven Days of Eighty Years of Age” (Parkman diary).
October 31, 1736
1736 October 31 (Sunday). Thomas remains in Much the Same State; but the Swelling on Each side very hard. We were greatly Concerned yesterday, and much more so to Day that Deborah is not Come yet. But still the more so because the mare she rode upon returned home to Brother Hicks’s alone, and without her Tackling. I preached on Rev. 3.1, last Clause, a. and p.m. on Consideration of the Divine Lenity, and the Reason for our Self Reflection. Now 4 times 3 Years are concluded since we were planted in Gods Vineyard. O that we might duely Consider how Christ knows our Works, our Good and our Bad — under all our Pretences and Professions, our Advantages and obligations — And marks our Conduct whilst we have Space and opportunity vouchsafed us, through the Divine Forbearance towards us! At Evening Eleazer Ward[1] took their Horse and rode up to Grafton to see what had befallen Deborah.
[1]Many years later Parkman wrote, “Attend the Funeral of Mrs. Nurse and pray’d there. Mr. Eleazer Ward of Paxton there. He is the only Residue of the Family that used to dwell in that House. May I have profitable Reflections on this speaking Providence!” (May 7, 1773.)