July 15, 1728

1728 July 15 (Monday).  I rode to Cambridge with Neighbor Green.[1]  Found nobody at Father Champneys but sister Hannah[2] just when I was going away and there came two men that would go in for Cyder.  I went in again and tarried till they went away.  I rode with them to Boston.  Trouble Brother Samuell[3] and Mr. Dorcas.[4]

[1]John Green.

[2]Hannah Champney, Mrs. Parkman’s oldest sister.

[3]Samuel Parkman of Boston.

[4]The reference (clearly legible) to a “Mr. Dorcas” is a bit puzzling.  Parkman was probably referring to Dorcas Bowes, who married Samuel Parkman Jan. 29, 1729.

July 18, 1728

1728 July 18 (Thursday).  Mr. Sewall preach’d Excellently from Ps. 119.115.  Occasion, Phillips and Woodbridge Duel.[1]  At Mr. Wilsteeds in the Eve.  Here was Mr. Joseph Green[2] of Barnstable.  The Governours[3] coming in Everyones motions.  His Excellency’s Family came to Dr. Cooks this Eve.

[1]Henry Phillips (Harvard 1724) killed Benjamin Woodbridge in a duel on Boston Common, July 3, 1728 and escaped to France.  The affair caused much excitement and produced several sermons in Boston and elsewhere.  Sibley, VII, 424-429.  See Samuel G. Drake, The History and Antiquities of Boston (Boston, 1854), pp. 579-580

[2]Reverend Joseph Green, minister of Barnstable, 1725-1770.

[3]Governor William Burnett.

July 19, 1728

1728 July 19 (Friday).  A very great Day.  His Excellency’s Entrance into Boston was truly very Stately and Splendid.  I was at Mr. Eliots.[1]  I din’d at Holmes’s.[2]  Sister Lydia rode with me to Cambridge.  Earthquake at Newbury, etc.

[1]Jacob Eliot of Boston, later first minister of Lebanon, Connecticut.

[2]Ebenezer Holmes (Harvard 1724), a merchant of Boston.  Sibley, VII, 368-371.

July 30, 1728

1728 July 30 (Tuesday).  Having got in my Hay, Rice, Barley, and Wheat, I dismiss’d Thomas Kendal for a while.  Now we are intirely alone having no Servant nor any one in the House.  Our Loneliness gives Scope for Thought.  God Sanctifie our solitude, and help us to improve in acquaintance with Himself.  There was much Lighting in the North almost the whole Evening.