June 1, 1727

1727 June 1 (Thursday).  In the morning (family exercises and breakfast ended) we walk’d up to Mr. Sewalls.  Mr. President Wadsworth[1] preach’d in the Convention from Hagg. 1.13.  The Devotions over though there had been long contests and debates about the phrasing of the address drawn up by Mr. Colman[2] to be Sent to his Majestie from the ministers in New England.  Yet there were very hot and very long oppositions today also.  And upon no other than the calling themselves the Ministers of the Churches, and whether it should not be the Teaching Elders, etc.  Mr. Williams[3] of Deerfield was chosen to preach the Next Year.  We din’d at an house Some little way below Mr. Sewalls in the Same Street.

[1]Benjamin Wadsworth, President of Harvard College.

[2]Dr. Benjamin Colman (Harvard 1692), minister of the Brattle St. Church, Boston, 1699-1747.  Sibley, IV, 120-137.

[3]Reverend John Williams (Harvard 1683), first minister of Deerfield, 1686-1729.  Sibley, III, 249-262.