April 7, 8, 1727

1727 April 7, 8 (Friday, Saturday).  I Attended Mr. Thatchers[1] Lecture.  Mr. Waldron[2] desired me to preach for him.  I would fain have flattly Deny’d him, but my Father was by, and I knew his mind was Set.  I did not dare to refuse.  I was obliged to Study very hard to prepare my Self for the Publick Exercises.  With much Labour I finished my Sermon before Bed time.  But I could not but be greatly concern’d about So hasty Compositions.

[1]Reverend Peter Thatcher of Boston.

[2]Reverend William Waldron (Harvard 1717), first minister of the New Brick Church of Boston.  Sibley, VI, 214-219.