1727 March 15 (Wednesday). We had very joyfull news from my Brother John.[1] In the Evening I was at Mr. Greenwoods[2] Lecture which was upon Projectile Motion. I can’t but Conclude these Exercises by Experiments are the most beneficial as they Reduce all to Sensible Demonstration. When I return’d I went in with Mr. Greenwood to Dr. Clarks.[3] At home I saw Captain Willard[4] of Salem.
[1]Parkman’s brother-in-law John Tyley.
[2]Isaac Greenwood, Parkman’s classmate and later first Hollis Professor of Mathematics at Harvard College.
[3]John Clark (Harvard 1687), a physician of Boston. Professor Greenwood married Clark’s daughter Sarah. Sibley, III, 375-379.
[4]Josiah Willard.