1727 March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday). Notwithstanding the preparations I made for last week yet I proceeded to other. I preach’d on Phil. 12, a. and p.m. I rode to Stoney Brook, to Mr. Willard.[1] With him was Mr. Brintnall.[2] The last rode with me to Mr. Swifts. I was design [?] to Boston, but receiving a Letter from my mother by Mr. B. How at Framingham meeting house, I turned back. I rode to Mr. Hows[3] and lodg’d there.
[1]Samuel Willard, the preacher at the Stoney Brook part of Marlborough.
[2]Reverend William Brintnall of Sudbury.
[3]Probably at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, kept by David Howe.