October 12, 1724

1724 October 12 (Monday).  I return’d to Westborough.  Mrs. Wood[1] at her house discours’d about Some Methods for the people in their provision for Ordination.  In the Evening came a Committee to treat with my Landlord about providing, etc.  There was much Caring about bringing up my Goods.


Memorandum.  I formed Letters (by the Towns Desire) to be Sent to Severall Churches, (viz. Boston to Mr. Webb, Framingham Mr. Swift, Marlborough Mr. Breck, Lancaster Mr. Prentice[2] and (a Letter from myself to ask him to preach), Sudbury Mr. Loring,[3] and Mendon Mr. Dorr).  These were drawn up on the 9th Day.

[1]Mrs. Benjamin Wood.

[2]Reverend John Prentice (Harvard 1700).  Sibley, IV, 529-532.

[3]Reverend Israel Loring (Harvard 1701).  Sibley, V, 75-83.