October 2, 1724

1724 October 2 (Friday).  I came up to Westborough.  I din’d at Mr. Williams’[1] (Weston).  I asked him to preach my Ordination Sermon.  He made Some Provisos.  I left him now by 3/4 past 3, But got up to Mr. Brecks by Daylight in.  He was very ill.  He invited me to tarry with him tonight, but I had appointed to meet our Church at my Lodging and therefore left him.  In riding thence home I met with a Sad Mischance.  My Cloak (and van Mastericht wrapt in it) broke from my Portmanteau as it was buckled behind me.  And it was very dark, but Still I thought it best to alight and look back for it.  (I was not so far as Captain Wards.)  I did so; and keeping my horse in my hand, with my Eyes near the Ground, and Swinging my Cane for 3/4 of a Mile back, I at length found it.  I therefore did not get home till the people were gone.  I got a very bad Cold and Sore Throat, But

[1]Reverend William Williams (Harvard 1705).  Sibley, V, 295-300.