October 1, 1724

1724 October 1 (Thursday).  Dr. Mather[1] preach’d the Lecture, which was upon the Death of Gurdon Saltonstall, Governour of Connecticut.  Mr. Green[2] was in Town but I could not come to Speak to him.  I waited upon Mr. Webb[3] at Mr. Bromfields[4] for the covenant of our Church at Boston.  Just at Night my consort and I went over to Charleston.  She was very much affrighted indeed, But Mr. and Mrs. Appleton[5] were in the Boat.  My Horse was put up at Boylstons.[6]  We visited Mrs. Larkin.[7]  I came up to Cambridge, though a little late.

[1]Cotton Mather.

[2]Joseph Green of Boston.

[3]Reverend John Webb of Boston.

[4]Edward Bromfield, selectman of Boston.

[5]Probably Reverend and Mrs. Nathaniel Appleton of Cambridge.

[6]Richard Boylston of Charlestown.

[7]Probably Mrs. Edward Larkin of Charlestown.

October 2, 1724

1724 October 2 (Friday).  I came up to Westborough.  I din’d at Mr. Williams’[1] (Weston).  I asked him to preach my Ordination Sermon.  He made Some Provisos.  I left him now by 3/4 past 3, But got up to Mr. Brecks by Daylight in.  He was very ill.  He invited me to tarry with him tonight, but I had appointed to meet our Church at my Lodging and therefore left him.  In riding thence home I met with a Sad Mischance.  My Cloak (and van Mastericht wrapt in it) broke from my Portmanteau as it was buckled behind me.  And it was very dark, but Still I thought it best to alight and look back for it.  (I was not so far as Captain Wards.)  I did so; and keeping my horse in my hand, with my Eyes near the Ground, and Swinging my Cane for 3/4 of a Mile back, I at length found it.  I therefore did not get home till the people were gone.  I got a very bad Cold and Sore Throat, But

[1]Reverend William Williams (Harvard 1705).  Sibley, V, 295-300.

October 6, 1724

1724 October 6 (Tuesday).  I had my Landlords Horse to Ride to Marlboro to See Mr. Breck.  I acquainted him with our Management and with Mr. Rice[1] and his Concern, etc.  Mr. Breck said he did not Expect that he should be with us, however he had no thought of any such thing as Excepting against Mr. Rice.  I call’d in at Merchant Amsdens.[2]  Here were Captain Willard[3]  of Sutton.  Mr. Bailey[4] of Lancaster and Mr. Wilder.[5]  N.B. Captain Willardconcerning Mr. Cushing and I.  I rode to Mr. Samuel Hows[6] in my way to Mr. Swifts.  I lodg’d at Mr. Swifts.[7]

[1]Probably Thomas Rice of Westborough.

[2]Captain Isaac Amsden of Marlborough.

[3]Jonathan Willard.

[4]Benjamin Bayley or Bailey, constable.

[5]Probably Ebenezer Wilder, also of Lancaster.

[6]Of Framingham.

[7]Rev. John Swift of Framingham.

October 7, 1724

1724 October 7 (Wednesday).  Mr. Stone[1] came to See Mr. Swift in the Morn.  I inquir’d of Mr. Swift concerning a form of Letter to Send to Churches to request their Help in Ordination but was not satisfy’d.  I rode to Mr. Jones’[2] where I heard of Mrs. Barrett[3] and the Death of her Child.  She had been in Travail a long time and very hardly escaped herself.  I rode up to Hopkinton and was in good Season for the funerall.  A Sorrowful Time!  I rode to Mr. Woods[4] and lodg’d there.

[1]Probably Thomas Stone, selectman of Framingham.  Josiah H. Temple, History of Framingham (Framingham, 1887), p.708.

[2]Probably Colonel John Jones of Hopkinton (now Ashland).

[3]No indication of a Barrett death at this time in Hopkinton Vital Records (Boston, 1911).

[4]Captain John Wood of Hopkinton.

October 12, 1724

1724 October 12 (Monday).  I return’d to Westborough.  Mrs. Wood[1] at her house discours’d about Some Methods for the people in their provision for Ordination.  In the Evening came a Committee to treat with my Landlord about providing, etc.  There was much Caring about bringing up my Goods.


Memorandum.  I formed Letters (by the Towns Desire) to be Sent to Severall Churches, (viz. Boston to Mr. Webb, Framingham Mr. Swift, Marlborough Mr. Breck, Lancaster Mr. Prentice[2] and (a Letter from myself to ask him to preach), Sudbury Mr. Loring,[3] and Mendon Mr. Dorr).  These were drawn up on the 9th Day.

[1]Mrs. Benjamin Wood.

[2]Reverend John Prentice (Harvard 1700).  Sibley, IV, 529-532.

[3]Reverend Israel Loring (Harvard 1701).  Sibley, V, 75-83.

October 28, 1724

1724 October 28 (Wednesday).  This was truely the Greatest Day I ever Yet Saw — The Day of my Solemn Separation to the Work of the Gospel Ministry and my Ordination to the Pastorate in Westborough.


The Solemnity came on and proceeded in the manner following.


In Order to the gathering the Church, a Covenant was prepar’d before hand; read, and consider’d by the Candidates for Membership, and was Sign’d.


N.B. An Ecclesiastical Council was form’d, and they having got all Things ready (as they apprehended) proceeded to the Meeting House.  N.B. Reverend Mr. Swift was Sent to, but he was detain’d by Sickness in his Family.  Nevertheless the Church sent two Delegates, viz. Colonel Buckminster[1] and Captain Goddard.[2]


Reverend Mr. Breck was also Sent to, but he was himself so ill (of the Strangury) that he could not attend.  Those ministers being Absent, the Council, with Consent, Admitted and requested Reverend Mr. Williams of Weston to Assist.


Being come to the House of God, the Reverend Mr. Dorr of Mendon open’d the Solemnity with Prayer.  The Reverend Mr. Prentice of Lancaster preach’d a Suitable Sermon from 2 Cor. 12.15.  Afterwards The Reverend Mr. Williams of Weston aforesaid pray’d and gather’d the Church.  There were 12 besides the Pastor Elect, who sign’d the Covenant and answered to their Names in the Assembly.


The Reverend Mr. Prentice gave the Solemn Charge.


The Reverend Mr. Loring of Sudbury the Right Hand of Fellowship.


The Ordain’d appointed the Psalm (part of the 68th) and gave the Blessing.


I wish Every Day throughout my Life, may bear a Suitable proportion to this Day!  That I may be Strong in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus, and that I may grow then into the Glory of God and the Edification of His Church!  Amen![3]

[1]Joseph Buckminster of Framingham.  Temple, Framingham, p. 490

[2]Captain Edward Goddard of Framingham.  Temple, Framingham, p. 566.

[3]See DeForest and Bates, Westborough, pp. 81-84, and Westborough Church Records.