February 28, 1724

1724 February 28 (Saturday).  I receiv’d the Vote of the Town of Westborough in which I am call’d to the great and arduous Work of the Gospel Ministry among them.[1]

[1]See DeForest and Bates, Westborough, pp. 62-63.  On Jan. 6,1724 the Westborough town meeting appointed “a Commeete to Go to Sum Reverend ordained Elders that are
a quanted with Mr. Ebenezer Parkman and Mr. Jacob Eliot, Both of Boston, and Candideats for the ministry, for their advice and Recommendation in order for Election as the Law Directs.”  In February Parkman was chosen minister and the town voted a yearly salary of £80, and £150 for “a settlement,” the latter to be paid in three equal annual installments.