August 5, 1777

1777 August 5 (Tuesday).  Mrs. Batherick has had so poor a night that they are almost ready to despair of her Life.  Mr. Solomon is come to request me to go to her.  I got Mr. Nurse’s Horse (though rainy) and went to see the poor sick Woman.  Discoursed and prayed there.  Went also to Lt. Forbush’s to See them.  Would take due Notice of the Frown of God in the rainy Weather.

August 6, 1777

1777 August 6 (Wednesday).  I rode to Deacon Bonds — [mending shooes?] for Elias.  Went up to see aged Mrs. Woods and prayed with her.  To Mr. Isaac Millers but could not see either the man or Woman.  Went into Mr. Ebenezer Millers, and Widow Rogers.  At Eve Mr. Elijah Brigham, from Dartmouth College here and with him one Mr. Johnson of Windsor, came.  Supped here.

August 7, 1777

1777 August 7 (Thursday).  Mr. Elijah, Mr. Eli Brigham here — with the foresaid Mr. Johnson, dined with us.  The two former here also at Eve.  The First lodges here.


[torn]on of Douglas, here.  He breaks Fast [torn] my great Interruptions; though he be [torn] of him a Ticket in the Continen[torn] Dollars, to be drawn in a few [torn] from the Consideration [torn] Bene- [torn] maintaining the pu[torn] Charge [torn] my people [torn]ed [torn] Lines, “As Labor” etc. [torn] Mr. Quincy of July 26.


[Note: Rest of page is badly mutilated, with only a few words legible.]

August 12, 1777

1777 August 12 (Tuesday).  Hannah rode with Mr. Elijah Brigham to Mr. Whitneys at Northborough.  I rode his Horse to visit in the South.  I din’d at Mr. Noah Hardys.  Visit at Lt. Bowman’s — but my main Design was to visit Mr. Solomon Millers Wife who has been in a poor weak state — her Deafness such as that it is difficult to converse; but more difficult still to pray with her — but I did what I could as to both, and in a Measure Succeeded.  Was at Mr. Thurstons.  Call at Mr. John Harringtons and at Lt. Harringtons.  When I returned home Mr. Bradshaw came and his Brother Parkman from New-Braintree, and they and Elijah Brigham, lodge here.  Hear my dear Daughter Baldwin is very low.  Her Husband Sends another Letter to Breck, of near the Same Date with mine, of our Armys retreating still towards Albany; and of the Miserys which many People suffer in those exposed parts, by the Crueltys of the Enemy.  How distressing these times of public and private Troubles!

August 13, 1777

1777 August 13 (Wednesday).  Elias goes back to CambridgeBreck goes to Boston; has Mr. Newtons Chaise and takes in Elias, with his Cloths and Books: and Bradshaw, the latter designing to go on Foot, when his Brother has gone with him as far as Gleasons in Framingham.  N.B. Edward Brigham, going with a Team to Cambridge, carrys in it a Bed, Covering, Bedstead etc. for Elias; he having another Chum.  N.B. I gave Elias in Cash £ to pay Quarter Bill, the Butlers Bill, and for incidental Expenses.  Mr. Bradshaw has presented me Dr. Eliots 20 sermons.[1]  At eve he returns with his Brothers Horse, and lodges here.

[1]Andrew Eliot (1718-1778), Twenty sermons on the following subjects…. (Boston: John Boyle, 1774; Evans 13266).

August 15, 1777

1777 August 15 (Friday).  In the Morning visited and [torn] Hearing that


[Note: Rest of page is torn and illegible.]


[Note: Shipton cites diary for August 19, 1777, for a meeting of the Marlborough Association at which it was decided to boycott the Marlborough pulpit until the town took steps to protect its minister.  On July 29 guns had been fired into Smith’s room, presumably to protest his criticism of the Whigs.]