July 8, 1775

[1775 July 8 (Saturday)?].  Mrs. P_____s task heavy in tending the Sick etc.  [torn] my Son William is greatly impressed with the [torn]oubles — is affected with his Situation [torn]mewhat infirm in Body, especially in Mornings.  Endeavour to support him.  He returns home.  I have had no letter or Message, but see in the News Paper that My Brother William is Dead! that he dyed at Stoughtonham — but when or how, is not specify’d.[1]

[1]“At Stoughtonham, Elder William Parkman, late of Boston,” Essex Journal, July 7, 1775.  The Continental Journal of October 3, 1776, advised “All Persons that are indebted to or that have any Demands on the Estate of Willkiam Parkman, late of Boston, Cabbinet maker, deceased, are desired to bring in their Accounts to Thomas Bayley, Administrator.