March 2, 1774

1774 March 2 (Wednesday).  In Compliance with the Request of Aged Mr. Charles Stimpson of Hopkinton as Communicated to me by Letter from Mr. Fitch and brought me by Mrs. Barrett on the 25th ult., I rode over to Hopkinton — but the Roads were so full of Snow, and the weather lowery, I chose to go in my Sleigh, and took Breck with me to drive.  Called at Mr. Barretts Door — he and his wife were going over to Mr. Fitch’s.  We proceeded there, and having taken Refreshment Mr. Fitch went with me in the Sleigh (instead of Breck) to Mr. Stimpsons, but it was difficult getting to the House, by reason of the deep snow.  Mr. Stimpson I found in a very weak and languishing Condition; but in much Darkness and Distress of mind.  Examined and assisted him as I could, and prayed with him and for him. He appeared to have good Tokens.  I therefore endeavored to Strengthen and comfort, while I also admonished and Cautioned him. When I returned to Mr. Fitch’s I resisted all Importunity to tarry, but though it was about 6 o’Clock we hastened home, lest tomorrow Should be worse.  We arrived at about half after Seven, and without Harm. Glory to God our Preserver. N.B. Mr. Barrett gave me Dr. Owen of the true Nature of a Gospel Church and its Government, a Quarto.  This is the 2d part of the Design, the 1st part of which I have had some Years.