April 20, 1769

1769 April 20 (Thursday).  N.B. Mr. Stone having lent me his late Thanksgiving Sermon on Ezr. 9.8. to read, he therewith wrapped up Mr. Moses Gills Letter of Jan. 30th last, containing Remarks upon it; which I read.  Mr. Beeton dines here, as does Mr. Ebenezer Maynard who works here.  At Eve I rode up to Mr. Artemas Bruce’s, their Infants remaining very low and weak.  Prayed there.  Mr. Simon Tainter of Sutton there, also.  Spoke to him about Mrs. Bruce’s Petition to the Church that She might have the Legacy his Father left to the Church and I think he seems disposed to let her have it; and yet he seems to agree with me that what is left to a public use, ought not to be disposed of to the private Benefit of any one person; which must put an End to That which appears designed for a perpetual Service and Emolument.