August 14, 1760

1760 August 14 (Thursday).  Broke Fast at Dr. Gotts.  My Son Ebenezer and I (on an Horse provided me) rode to Ware River Parish.  Dined with Mr. Thayer at his Lodgings there.  Proceeded to Mr. Lulls.  Shewed him the Letters which I received from our Arbitrators on our Townshend Affairs, viz. Lieut. Daniel Taylor of Townshend, and Mr. William Jones of Lunenbourgh.  Mr. Lull not having Money at that time to pay his part of the Charge demanded by them, I took his promissory Note for 70/ old Tenor and told him that I would write a Deed for him of the 35 Acres which though he had given me Deed of as part of Equivalence to me for the Lot I lost, yet the Arbitrators had not Seen meet to grant to me: This Deed I am to keep as Pledge till Lull pays me this promisory Note and the Interest of it.  We changed our Notes of Obligation to stand by the Judgment of the Arbitrators.  I also took two of Mr. Lulls Deeds in Trust to get ‘em acknowledged at Concord Court if either of the Witnesses are living, he promising to bear the Charge I must be at in doing it.  Also he desires me to search in the Registers Office at Cambridge for the Deed given by Capt. Adams of Concord to Mr. Lull, of one half of Coll. Taylors Right in Townshend.  We supped at Mrs. Cutler’s — returned to Mr. Forbush’s in the Dark and Rain, and I lodged there, Mrs. P________ there also.  My Daughter so near her Time as very much to keep her mother there.  N.B. My Baldwins returned to Rutland.