February 3, 1759

1759 February 3 (Saturday).  Mr. Abijah Gale was here — acquaints me that his Wife cannot hold Communion with Mrs. Ward, the Judge’s Wife: But I refuse to Meddle with the Affair any further than to direct to her Duty and advise to it.  Am not without some deep Impressions from the Solemn subject I am preparing upon.  Did not go to Bed till after Midnight.  My Body was much wasted — and I grew faint — but my Mind filled beyond what I could write.

February 4, 1759

1759 February 4 (Sunday).  Read Ezra 2, Act. 2.  Preached still, a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 4.18.  O that the Solemn Thoughts of ETERNITY might make us all truely Serious!


The Widow Joanna Forb. dined here.  We daily hear of the Spreading of the Meazles in divers Towns — and frequently of the Deaths of grown persons, by them.  Ex. gr. Mr. Noah Rice of Sutton.  N.B. My little John went to meeting again.  D.G.

February 6 1759

1759 February 6 (Tuesday).  Alexander Rheumatic does not go to school.  This is the last Day of Mr. Bowmans School-keeping for this term.  P.M. I preached at Capt. Fays on Rom. 14.8.  After the Exercise Mr. Daniel Forb. communicates proposals which came from the North End relating to a Lawful School to be kept in the Town.  N.B. Sarah went with me to the Meeting — and of her self walked to Esquire Bakers.  I Called there for her, and with Capt. Wood, tarried a While.  Conversation chiefly Leominster Affair — but we have had, as yet, no Information how the general Court has determined concerning their Affair.

February 7, 1759

1759 February 7 (Wednesday).  Master Bowman goes to Cambridge.  Mr. Martyn and his Wife came to see us: and dined here.  They returned at Eve.  Mr. Belknap here.  In walking to Mr. Nurse’s together he asks me whether, upon supposition he be restored to Southborough Church, I were willing to admitt him here.  I told him I could not tell as yet what we Should do.  But I Supposed he might hardly be willing to leave them, if all things were made smooth there, since it was so much nigher to go there, and he always used to choose it.  At Mr. Nurse’s talked with Mr. Timothy Warrin about their great neglect in making up Accounts with me, he being precinct Treasurer.

February 9, 1759

1759 February 9 (Friday).  P.M. Mr. Samuel Fay junior here.  I call upon him to bring his two last Children to Baptism, exhorting him to give Account to the Church of the Reasons of his long Neglect of his Duty.  And he parts in peace.  Deacon Tainter goes to Boston: and carrys a few Fowls for my Wife and 3£ from me to Mrs. Ward, heretofore Barns.

February 10, 1759

1759 February 10 (Saturday).  Job Lane returns to Brookfield and carrys 4 Dollars from me to Mr. Forb; Interest.  My son Ebenezer to pay him 4 more on my Account.  N.B. Master Bowman returns from Cambridge because of the Meazles.  He informs me that sister Barretts Daughter Hannah (of about 21) dyed of the Meazels, and is buryed this week, and that Coll. James Minot of Concord is Dead also.  He brings me a Letter from the Widow Hill of Cambridge to whom I had sent him to excuse my not sending Interest to her by him, for that I knew not his going down in any season to provide it.

February 12, 1759

1759 February 12 (Monday).  Visit Mr. Ebenezer Nurse a.m.  Ride up to Mr. Jonathan Fays and dined there.  N.B. he pays me upwards of 20£ old Tenor.  Am informed that Lieut. James Whipple of Grafton was buryed on the 10th.  Visited Widow Grout.  At Mr. Phinehas Hardys — Mr. Whitneys — Blanc’s.  Mr. Er. Rice, having been a fishing on the great Pond and taken 11 Pickerill, Sent me six handsome ones — besides 2 fine Heads of Cabbage, and a Quantity of Carrotts.

February 13, 1759

1759 February 13 (Tuesday).  Sent by Mr. Jonathan Fay 3 Dollars with a Letter to Mrs. Prudence Hill of Cambridge in answer to hers of the 8th which I inclosed in a Letter to Capt. Taintor of Watertown desiring him to go to her Since Mr. Fay can’t well do it himself.  This was my Scheme by Reason of Mr. Fays backwardness to go out of his Way.  But at last we settle it for Mr. Fay to go to Mrs. Hill if can’t get Capt. Tainter to do it.

February 18, 1759

1759 February 18 (Sunday).  Read Ezra 4 and Acts 4.  Preached a.m. the last sermon on 2 Cor. 4.18.  P.M. on Col. 3.3.  N.B. Mr. Samuel Barrett junior of Hopkinton and sister in Law came to meeting here, his Father being indisposed and hoarse with a Cold.  They dined here but returned home at Eve.  May God send his Blessing on the awakening Things of this Day!  Especially to my own Soul!

February 19, 1759

1759 February 19 (Monday).  The Boys all go to school, though tis very muddy and rainy.  Dr. Crosby here and tells me that Capt. Maynard is in high Salivation.  He had ‘ointed for the Itch with an Ointment from Dr. Gardner of Boston — and using it too freely was thus affected.  He had also gone into the Cedar swamp wading in the Water and to Marlborough and taken Cold and was in an ill state.

February 21, 1759

1759 February 21 (Wednesday).  A.M. visit Mr. Nurse who lies under his sore.  N.B. Mr. Williams there — I took him aside and reproved him for his Drinking.  Noah Forb. under the Meazles though I find he is much recovered.  Then proceeded to Mr. Daniel Hardys where I dined.  Thence to Mr. Bigolows and searched into their Disquietments and Dissentions.  Rebuked and instructed and exhorted each of them with all plainness and faithfullness that I could — left ‘em with most solemn Warnings and Charges.  Visited at Mr. Jonah Warrin’s, his Wife being weak and Molly lately ill.  At Eve Mr. Daniel Forb. here.

February 22, 1759

1759 February 22 (Thursday).  Visit Mr. Nurse and prayed with him as I did yesterday Morn.  Have his Horse and Sleigh for my Wife and I to visit Capt. Maynard and his Wife under their great Troubles — though now much abated.  We dined there.  P.M. I rode over to Mr. Seth Rice’s to visit especially his aged Mother.  N.B. had more direct and Smart Talk with him than ever — particularly about preaching there to his Mother: which he says he will not hinder but he will not consent to.  At Eve Master Nathan Stone here and lodges with us.

February 25, 1759

1759 February 25 (Sunday).  Read Ezra 5, Act 5.  Preached a.m. on Col. 3.3.  Told the Congregation I could not divide the Sermon to make two Exercises — therefore delivered my whole preparation at once.  P.M. repeated sermon on Isa. 7.14 to p. 15 and used Several of the uses in p. 18, but omitted from p. 3 to 9.  My wifes Kinswoman Capt. Maynards Wife, dined here.

February 27, 1759

1759 February 27 (Tuesday).  Mr. F. sets out for Boston to try for his wages as Chaplain etc.  I rode round to t’other House Visiting at Joseph Gamels, widow Rogers’s and Frosts.  Mr. Rice and I agree what he shall do about the Division of the West scaffold English Hay — and divers other Things relating to the Orchard, Fencing stuff etc.  Ebenezer Rice junior is supposed to have the Meazles.  It is also at Capt. Woods and Widow Newtons.