February 13, 1739

1739 February 13 (Tuesday).  Dr. Convers,[1] by Dr. Gotts message to him as he was at Sudbury, came up to visit my wife.  Afterwards came Dr. Gott.  They find her very low, her Blood exceeding Weak, her swelling in her Legg increased and advanc’d into her Body, her Urine has been to a great Degree Supprest’d ever since this Second Legg was Seiz’d with the Pain.  Her medicines are Chalbiats[2] mix’d with Castor, and Ocul. Cancror with Sal. Nitr.  Her bathing with spirits of wine continued but her Pultis ceases, her Teas of Horse Radish, Fennel and Parseley Roots, and we now lay on a Blister.  P.M. Mr. Beeman again bountifully visits and Cousin Winchester here.

[1]Josiah Convers (HC 1723), a physician of Watertown.  SHG, 6:159-60.

[2]A chalybeate medicine was impregnated with or flavored with iron.