August 3, 1727

1727 August 3 (Thursday).  Mr. Cushing and his Wife happened to come to See us upon this Day.  But he had no Notes with him and I had not finished my Sermon, so that I was debarred their Company very much.  I Lectur’d on 1 Chron. 28.19.  Mr. Cushing pray’d.  His Wife not at Meeting.  After Meeting I had information that Mr. Tomlins[1] Daughter was dead.  A Young Woman that had lain confin’d ever since I had been in Town; and dy’d unbaptis’d.  (O Jesu Misericors ne mihi imputatur).  I went over to the house and discours’d with Mr. Tomlin and with the family, etc.

[1]Isaac Tomblin was an early settler of Westborough.  The Westborough Vital Records do not give the death of this person.